"Leadership is not about titles, positions, or work hours. It's about relationships."
JULY 8-11, 2025
Simpson University Campus
*additional Counselor Training Day July 7
Shasta Youth Leadership Camp (SYLC) is designed to strengthen the leadership skills in Shasta County’s middle school youth. The main purpose of SYLC is to prevent drug abuse, gang involvement, and violence among youth and to build a positive relationship between law enforcement and the youth of our community. Both Counselors and Campers are educated to lead their peers and to take a stand against drug abuse and youth violence. They leave with the ability to make a positive difference among their friends in school and in the community.
SYLC is an annual summer event in Shasta County, jointly sponsored by various law enforcement, drug prevention agencies, local educators, and Youth Options. SYLC brings together students from schools throughout the county, develops their leadership potential, and encourages their commitment to a drug-free life. Our goal is to have each student be a positive influence at school, among friends, and to encourage others in living a drug, gang, bully, and violence-free lifestyle.
Participants spend four days/three nights at camp, with two Counselors assigned to each cabin. Counselors are selected from area high schools or colleges through an application process. They are drug-free youth who have demonstrated leadership ability and are strong role models. Staff and Counselors train together prior to camp. At camp, the Staff provides a leadership program for both Campers and Counselors that focuses on what it takes to be a drug, gang, and violence-free youth in today’s society and how to influence friends and others to choose to be the same. The leadership program and other activities are designed to provide a learning experience that is meaningful, interesting, and fun. Special events include Public Safety Day (police, fire, and rescue unit demonstrations), Leadership Olympics, and guest speakers. New and lasting friendships between Campers, Counselors, and Staff members are made at Leadership Camp.
Counselors are selected from area high schools or colleges through an application/interview process. Students who are currently in the 10th grade through the age of 21 are encouraged to apply for Counselor. Counselor Applications will open on March 1st!
Campers are selected from area middle schools and elementary schools through an application and teacher evaluation process. Students who are currently in 5th through 8th grades are encouraged to apply for Camper. The cost of the camp will be $210.00 per camper. Camper Applications will be available April 9-30, 2025.
Applicants are drug-free youth who have demonstrated leadership ability and are strong role models. “Drug-free” means youth who do not use tobacco/vape, alcohol, or other illegal drugs.